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Poodles death

20 10:34:11

My 8 year old, male toy poodle, Poochie was hit by a mini-van and we automatically assumed that he was killed. We buried him right away.  I did hold him for a while, but now I wonder if he was actually dead. Now,I wish that I had of taken him to the vet. There was blood and no response.  I just wish that I had of examined him better. He was neutered. We are taking his death very hard. I just wish that I could bring him back, he followed me everywhere. At the time, it did not cross my mind to take him to the vet.

While you may not of thought about it, I am sure while you held him, you would have noticed any breath or heartbeat.  Without a heartbeat or breathing, he would have been dead by the time you reached the vet.  When such a small dog gets hit, they don't have much of a chance.  

One of my puppies broke her chain 11 years ago.  I was only inside a couple of minutes after putting her on her chain before checking her.  I immediately started searching.  By the time we found her the next morning, she had been killed on the road.  I really beat up on myself over it.  It was most of a year before I went to see the Lion King and at the end it helped me, when the wise old ape helped Simba quit blaming himself for his father's death.  I am sure you did all you could for him.  I can't imagine holding him and not noticing any breath or heartbeat.  Aren't you glad, you did go ahead and hold him one last time?