Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > My 9mo poodle has 2 red circles

My 9mo poodle has 2 red circles

20 10:32:40

My 9mo old toy poodle CODY has 2 red markings in a patching circle form under his chin and on the bridge of his nose, he is always scratching. He bathed regularly and has no fleas, what can it be? I'm worried and want to know if is serious, what should i do?

Hello Monique,
I can't make an honest diagnosis without actually seeing your dog, but it sounds like it could be ringworm to me.  Dogs can pick up ringworm from outside on the ground and it can be contagious.  You should call your dogs Vet to get him started on some antibotics (ringworm is a virus not an actual worm) to stop this.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other question's, please fee to ask.  

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