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adding second poodle

20 10:42:17

I have had poodles for 35 years, but only one at a time.  For nine years I also have had a big, beautiful rescue cat.  Our local humane society found a toy white poodle in the snow.  His paws were frostbitten, and he now is in foster care. He is about six years old. No one claimed him, and I am considering adopting him.  My poodle now, Jack, is a sixteen pound miniature who is used to being the center of our attention.  Do you have any advice for adding the second dog?  Any tips?  Also, what do you know about dogs who have suffered frostbite?  Would he be able to enjoy walks with me or should I exercise him only in the house or on the grass in our fenced-in yard?


Hi Lisa,

Well, you might have a problem with two males in the house. I tried it once and they both ended up ruining two recliners I had - marking the heck out of 'their territory'.
There is an innate competition to be 'top dog' in males, usually.  As for frostbite, the dog's paws would be fine in warm or cool weather, but in winter, he might be uncomfortable walking outdoors.  

I wish you much luck! I'd be sure to show Jack as much or more attention if/when you bring another dog into the mix, but also pay much (needed) attention to the new dog.  It's a juggling act, but if you are the animal lover it sounds like you are, you will probably do just fine.  

I do wish you the best.  I would like to give you absolutes, but unfortunately I can't.  Dogs, like people, have distinct personalities, and I can only work from my own experience.

Take care!
