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Want closure on poodles death

20 10:34:53

My beloved poodle of almost 13 years died suddenly this past week.  She was totally blind and started suffering from some wheezing.  Is it possible to tell me what may have happened to her?

Dear Sandy,
My heart goes out to you.  I am so very sorry.  I am all to close to these kind of emails, it brings tears to my eyes and I don't know you or your dog.  All I can really say is she spared you from a long drawn out death.  I'm sure she knew you were going to be heart broken and leaving suddenly is sometimes easier then the other.  Her eyes already failed I'm sure she was ready for the rest ahead of her.  The wheezing that you heard was most likely a tracia issue. The walls weaken in small breeds.  When they breath in deeply it's pulls together.  Just know this, 13 years was a great long life for her and you to spend together and I'm so glad you had them together.

Warm Blessings