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My 4 year old naughty poodle

20 10:33:44

Adopted at age 10 mos, because the owner "couldn't handle her" - she became a great companion for our yorkie.  Both house dogs, both spoiled.  Misha does this strange thing, which is "grooming" me or the bed sheets.  It is this strange chewing with her front teeth - not destructive, just gets my clothes wet and wrinkled or the sheets on the bed.  When I tell her no, and remove the cloth from her she gets really mad and snaps at me or my husband.  What's this??  Almost like a pacifier!

Hello Sue,
Actually, a pacifier is exactly what this is.  She is sucking on the end of the blanket and sometimes you might even see her kneading the blanket with her feet.  This is a habit that some dogs never lose from their nursing days.  It comforts and relaxes them.  My mom has a Silver Std Poodle girl that will suck on stuffed animals and we know another friend that has a male Std Poodle that will such on toys like that.  Its just a habit that they keep from their younger days.  
When she starts "sucking" on the sheets or clothes, see if you can give her a stuffed toy instead.  If she won't change to the toy, see if you can make her a piece of her favorite blanket for her to suck on.  
If it really bothers you, you can get a product called "Bitter Apple" from most Pet Stores that you can spray on the objects you don't want her sucking on.  It leaves a bitter taste that the animal doesn't like.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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