Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Skin Rash

Skin Rash

20 10:21:52

Hello, I want to know what is good for my toy poodle's skin rash. He scratches all the time. It's only baround his neck. I was thinking it was his collar, but he does not have it anymore and rash spots still coming up. What can I do?

Hello Perla,
You might try using some Benedryl cream on his rash.  If its allergy related, the cream will help with the itching and if its not allergy related, it will still help keep the spot from itching.  

You may also check him for fleas because even if he just has one or two, they can cause an allergic reaction which will lead to scratching and itching.  

The rash could also be a hot spot which your dog has itched at until its scabby.  Try the benedryl cream first, and if this doesn't seem to help it any, you can try an anti-biotic cream such as NeoSporin.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions about this, please feel free to ask.  Thanks for using,