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in heat

20 10:32:33

I have a 9 month old miniature or toy parti poodle. She is 9 months old and is in heat. I am considering breeding her...later. She is not papered. Is it a good or bad idea to breed her?

Hello Lori,
No, it is not necessarily a bad idea to breed your girl when she is old enough.  
You will want to wait until she is 2 yrs old and fully developed before breeding her.  You also need to find out if she is a Toy (up to 10" at the shoulder) or a Miniature (from 11"-15" at the shoulder) so that you can choose the appropreate male to put her with (you wouldn't want to put a Miniature male with a Toy Female).  
You also need to make sure that she is healthy enough to carry and deliver puppies, so before you get ready to breed her, take her to the Vet and do a Pre-breeding check-up.  You want to be sure that she doesn't have any genetic problems that could be passed on to the puppies.  Same with the male when you find a sutiable sutor for your girl.

The puppies won't be able to be registered since your female isn't registered, and this might turn some people off from buying them, but it doesn't make them any less quality puppies as long as your female and the male you choose are good quality.  A registered dog is just that, a dog with papers.  I have seen quality unregistered dogs, and I have seen poor quality registered dogs, the papers don't mean quality.  Quality does come from the breeder though so be sure to breed responsably.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other breeding questions, or other questions in general, please feel free to ask.

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