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My show toy poodle is oversized!!

20 10:33:04


I'm here to ask for help. I've bought a toy poodle in Feb and she's now 21 weeks old.

I bought her with main register and I'm going to show her in the coming future.

However, I measured her yesterday and found out she is 11 inches tall and 2.8kg now. What can I do?

Can I sue the breeder for selling me an oversized poodle that makes me unable to show her? (The breeder had promised to me that she would never be oversize and both her parents are 10inchs tall)

Also, what size is she going to be at maturity? Height and weight.

thank you very much

Hello Kaley,
Sorry about your Poodles size.  Its sometimes hard to tell what size they will be when they are young, but the parents should be some indicator.  I would contact the breeder and see if she will give you a refund or another puppy.    
I am not sure if you can sue unless you have statements from the breeder quoting that she said that your dog wouldn't get larger than 10", but you might talk to a lawyer to see what they think.  (there is even a lawyer section here on AllExperts that could help)  

You could show her as a Miniature because she will fit the Mini size requirements, but since her parents are toys, she is actually an oversized toy.  You will find that lots of breeder/handlers will show in a different catergory if they have a really nice dog that is either too large or too small.

Your Puppy is still young and could still grow some.  I can't tell you how big she will get at maturity without seeing her or her parents, but I can guess that if she is 21 weeks now and is already 11" then she could easily grow another inch or so and maybe gain several more pounds.

I would also see about contacting show handlers in your area and finding out what they think.  Most have good relations with judges and can tell you what a judge would think.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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