Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > deafness in a white toy poodle puppie

deafness in a white toy poodle puppie

20 10:19:43

QUESTION: I am about purchase a white toy poodle pup and I learned that he is deaf is this common in this type of breed? If so will he regain his hearing later on or can the vet do some type of test to regain his hearing

ANSWER: Hello Kenya,
Unless this puppy is 3 weeks old or younger, then he should be hearing.  Puppies don't get their hearing until 3 weeks when their ears open, but after that if they haven't started hearing then they probably won't.  
You might contact your Vet and see if there is anything they can do, but the chances are pretty good that this puppy won't be able to hear if he isn't hearing now.  

Dogs that can't hear can still live full and happy lives, as long as you keep a sharp eye out for them.  You have to become their ears, because they won't be able to hear the honk of a car, or the hiss of a cat thats hidden under the bushes.  Unless you have a fenced yard or a cable they can go out on, they should NEVER be outside unsupervised.  
You can train your Deaf dog to look for signs when you want them to do something.  A Shock collar (used only on the lowest setting) can help communicate commands to your dog, as can a flashlight or other lighted item.  Lazor pointers can help guide or point your dog to items such as treats or toys.  
There are many Hand Signals you can use to teach Deaf dogs to Come, Sit, Down or Stay, plus a range of other commands.  

I would greatly reconsider taking this puppy unless you are doing him a favor by saving him (from being taken to a shelter or being put down).  

I hope this helps you some and if you would like more information on raising a Deaf dog, or have other questions about Poodles in general, please feel free to ask me.

Thanks for using,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well they said they his ears are not open and that in white toy poodles that it normal, is this true!

Hello again,
Deafness in any line of Poodles is NOT common.  I am still not understanding about this puppy.  Are the breeders telling you that its a newborn and its ears are still closed, therefore its deaf right now, or are they telling you that this puppy is older than 3 weeks old and has a condition where its ears are permanately closed, therefore he is Deaf by a birth defect.

When ANY poodle puppy is born (any color and any size), their ears are closed tight until the puppy is about 3 weeks old; and then they start to open and the puppy begins to hear.   

What I am wondering is if this puppy is older than 3 weeks and his ears are still not opening, therefore he will probably be deaf for life, or is he younger than 3 weeks and his ears are not quite open yet.  If he is younger than 3 weeks, then it is normal for him to appear to be deaf until his ears open.  If he is older than 3 weeks and his ears are still not open, then it is NOT normal and I wouldn't buy this puppy because he could be permanately deaf.

I hope I have made this more clear to you this time.  Please feel free to ask other questions about this and I will be happy to help you.  

Thanks for your questions,