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mini poodle color

20 10:21:11

we brought a mini poodle 25 days back. since the he has been bathed 5 times. he is a red brown color pup 2 mnts n 3 days old. his color is getting dull as with the time. can i have the reasons for this? when i googled all i could know is that he is a blue colored dog and will show his color at about 7 months of age. please let me know about this. by the way his eyes are blue in color too. i checked it with whole my family to confirm it
thank you

ANSWER: Hello Siri,
You first say that he has Reddish Brown coloring on him, then say that you found that he is a Blue, which is sort of a Grey/Black color.  Now a Blue dog can have Reddish Brown highlights in their coat which sort of confirms that they are a Blue and not a Silver.  
You also didn't say how old he is.  
All that said, most Poodle colors will eventually fade.  Dogs that have White or Cream in their background typically have a Fading gene attached to those colors.  Silver (and therefore Blue colored dogs) will have a fading gene that will cause them to turn from Black to Silver (Silver puppies are born Black and chanage to Silver as they age).
If your puppy is a Blue color and has some Silver in his background, then he will most likely fade as he ages due to the Fading gene from the Silver.  

Check his papers (if he is registered, or contact the Breeder if you aren't sure) and see if he has had any Silver, Cream, or White dogs in his background.  If so, you will know that he also has the fading gene and therefore will continue to fade.  
Also, depending on how old he is, his eyes will most likely turn an Amber or Brown color.  

As to the bathing, you might want to reduce it to about 2 times a month unless he gets really dirty.  Over-bathing your dog strips the oils out of the hair causing the hair to dry out and break.  Brushing your dog will help spread the oils throughout the coat, making it less dry and brittle and reducing breakage.

I hope this helps you some and if you have further questions about this or other Poodle questions in general, Please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi kim,
this is about the brown poodle snuggy. i havent mentioned his age. he is 2 months n 4 days old. and he is a coprophagy can u help with this?
i have given him small chunk of pineapple still he is continuing to eat his poop in my absense its going out of my hands now to be around him always as i need to attend my college n he is eating leaves n bird feathers on our open terrace. please help me with this kim

Hello again Siri,
For the condition of Coprophagy, there are several things you can try to help stop your dog from eating his own feces.  Pinapple is one suggestion, but you can also try Spinach, Garlic, Pumpkin or Pickles.  I have also heard of putting HOT sauce on the Poo that is still in the yard so that the dog doesn't return to eat the Poo later.  
There are also over-the-counter products that you can try.  One is called Forbid and the other is called DisTaste.  These are powders that you add to the food and they come out in the feces giving it a very bitter taste.  

If this still doesn't help, you can try using a muzzle when the dog goes out to potty.  Put it on the dog, let him out, and the muzzle should stop him from eating the Poo until you can get to him and correct him.  
As for him eating leaves and feathers on the terrace, the best way to keep him from eating stuff up there is to sweep it frequently to keep those tasty temptations out of his reach.  Unless there is some way of making a canopy on your terrace to keep the leaves and things from reaching your porch.  

Again, I hope this helps you some.  If you have further questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,