Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > toothless/agressive toy poodles

toothless/agressive toy poodles

20 10:17:40

4months ago my poodle littermates that are 11 had to have some teeth removed. They now eat canned food. I have noticed a lot more aggression. My grandchildren live with us, ages 2 1/2 and 1 1/2. The dogs for no apparent reason will lash out as if to bite. One dog is doing this to the children and the other dogs. We just can't risk the baby's safety. What can we do?

Hello Lynn,
You might want to get the mouth checked first to make sure nothing in the mouth is causing pain.
If that isn't the problem, you will need to dominate your dog and show the aggressive one that they can't get by with doing this.  When your dog starts to get growly or show signs of aggression, walk towards him (the one causing the problem) and make him back/walk away, you can put a leash on him first if you need to. Don't let him get back to the other dogs. Its almost like you are herding him away from the situation. Make him back/walk away until he will sit down. Sitting is showing Submission. This is you owning the situation and telling the dog causing the problem that you are in charge and will handle it.  It doesn't matter if your dog is eating, playing with toys or getting attention. If walking towards your dog doesn't stop your dog from what he is doing, you will need to lay him down and make him submit to you. To do this, lay your dog on his side and gently put his head on the ground. Keep him in this position and even stare him in the face until he looks away and until you feel him submit or relax. Do your best to remain Calm, yet Assertive. If you are calm, he will calm down more quickly.  When he has submitted to you, you can get up and move away from him without looking at him. By looking at him, it is telling him to stay there.
When you work with your dog like this, you are speaking his language that he can understand. It is the way a dominate dog would treat a submissive dog.
You can do this same thing when the dog snaps at the children. Be quick and if you need to, get him down on his side so he realizes that this is NOT to be tolerated.

Please feel free to write me again if you are having problems with this or have questions.

Thanks for using,