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Toy Poodle Problems

20 10:25:15

My toy poodle is about a year and a half old. He has been "mostly" potty trained since he was a puppy. However, he will have just come from outside and go hide somewhere and poop or pee. Sometimes he will even eat the poop. He knows the standard procedures for letting me know he wants out but seems to enjoy this tantrum act. I always know when he has done it too, because he will come back in the room sunken down with his tail between his legs. Or if I walk in the room he will immediately go get in his box. He is way too old for this. What can I do to correct the situation?

Hello Ashley,
Try putting him in his crate for about 10 minutes after you bring him inside.  After he comes out of his crate, take him back outside so that he can get the rest of his "business" done.  Praise him when he goes potty outside, but get on to him if he goes inside.  

Also, if you can put some doggie gates up across the doorways where he is going to potty, he can't have access to those rooms.  You also need to keep your eye on him right after he comes in so that he doesn't wander off and go potty again.  

When you clean these potty areas, make sure you use a Pet Approved Product that is made for pet stains and odors, which will contain enzymes that will "eat" the odor from the carpet or floor.  Otherwise, if you use a carpet cleaning product that isn't pet approved, You may not be able to smell the mess anymore but your dog can and will return to re-mark that spot.  
Wal-Mart sells a product called "Kids N' Pets" that works great on both odors and stains.  Try it out.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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