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poodle with infected uterus

20 10:38:01

I took my Lacey (poodle) to the vet Wednesday because I noticed a discharge from her vagina.  He told me she had an infected uterus (just by looking and feeling her).  I asked if there was any thing he could do and he said no, she was 14 and too old.  He stated the surgery is high risk on younger dogs and doubted she would make it through the surgery.  Couldn't he have given her antibiotic via needle to cure this?
He ended up telling me I should make the decision on whether to put her down or not so I told him to.  I feel I made the decision to quickly now and I am suffering terribly wondering if I did the right thing.  Lacey constantly was sleeping, drinking high amounts of water.  Not eating properly and loosing urine in the house if we didn't watch her closely to let her out side.  I miss her so much and I feel I should of brought her home and thought about it more but instead I let him do it and now I feel awful that I did.  Please tell me I did the right thing.  Maybe I should of brought her back home for a couple of days?  To tell her good bye and hold her for a while longer.  I wish I could be with her.  I am a complete mess.


Hi Janet :-)

I am so sorry about your loss hun. It is very natural what you're feeling. Anyone would feel the way you did but you did the right thing and made the right decision for Lacey.

In a younger Dog a operation would of been performed and the Vet could of gave her Antibiotics but this wouldn't of cured her infected Uterus unfortunately. The only alternative was putting her to sleep otherwise she would of become much more sick and been in a lot of pain.

You made the right decision hun and please do not blame yourself. Lacey certainly doesn't. She is probably thanking you for reliviving her from pain and discomfort. She knew you loved her and you did what was right for her and the most kindest and best thing you could do so please stop blaming yourself as it wasn't your fault and you had no choice.

Take care and all the best and please leave me a comment.

Trisha x