Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > peed on couch while we were out

peed on couch while we were out

20 10:38:01

my poodle is 4 yrs. old-never had a potty problem. he stays alone about once a week while we go out to dinner.  he gets his favorite treat when we leave & we have never had a problem.  but last night when we got home there was a big wet spot on our new couch. we think it was because he wants to be with us all the time. my husband & i & the dog have undergone extensive training & he travels with us everywhere.

It may be a seperation anxiety based thing or just could have been that the dog couldnt hold its bladder that time.  Maybe he just had to go.  Since this is the first time its very hard to tell if there is an issue here.  If the problem continues though you may have to start kenneling the dog when you are out to dinner.  Or atleast confining him to an area away from furniture and carpet like the kitchen.  If it doesnt happen again then there is nothing to worry about.