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My Standard poodle female

20 10:41:46

We live in a rural area and have our Standard Poodle Girl housed outdoors in a kennel run with her own indoor access. PROBLEM: We also keep a couple of cats around to keep the mouse population in check. They had a litter of kittens awhile back and a couple managed to get into my poodle's kennel (Almost impossible to keep them out if they want to crawl over the fence). Now, the big cats come & go & even have been seen harmlessly playing with my poodle. BUT...we were appalled to find that the poodle had apparently killed and eaten at least 2 of the kittens (We found a few parts in the runs). Why would she do this and what could we do to prevent it?  

This is an area I have little experience in and must rely on my reading and general experience.  Unfortunately, I do not have a good reference to send you to.  

My view is that she is a dog.  Dogs tend to view cats as vermin, to be killed and eaten.  It is possible she was only playing too rough, but after the kittens were dead, decided they would be good to eat.  I think the best you can do is make the kennel too tight for kittens to get in, maybe lining the usual chain link with hardware cloth.  Consider spaying the mothers.  

I wish I had a better answer or somebody else to send you to.  I have no confidence in the other dog experts here.  Most of the better people I have seen on the net, are gone now.  People like you are the biggest losers for their absence.  I am very confident of my ability in many areas, but nobody knows everything.  some problems do not have a good solution.