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Sweet, Scared Poodle???

20 10:24:23

I am the proud owner of a 1year old,female, spayed mini Poodle
who is scared of her own shadow (seriously)But was so easily trained and listens very well but..
when we go for walks she will try her hardest to get away from,and i mean tale between her legs trying to run to the street to get away from  christmas decorations that in people front lawn,she wont walk over man hole covers,big garbage cans that will be at the curb.
she will bark at any new item in my home, Plants things on the floor that may have not been there before anything strange or new to her
She doesnt like new people she really has to investigate before letting them even get close to her she will run behind my legs or get as close to me as she can and try not to let them touch her
Its hard to explain but shes the sweetest dog(the best dog!!!) even though i feel like i have to protect the both of us!
But really i dont know what to do because she is very timid,tale bettween the legs when she hears another dog barking? trying to get away fast.
how do i help her cope and be more relaxed when were out i want her to enjoy dog parks and things.HELP!

It really sounds like she didn't have the socialization puppies need before they are 12 weeks old.  That is a very common problem and even many that call themselves reputable breeders ignorantly fail to get the puppies in their homes soon enough or do the socialization needed.  

There is no undoing the problem completely.  Control your emotions.  She will see your stress as confirming the danger.  Keep up a happy patter.  Go up to things, talk to them, pat them, ''Good deer''.  Have people avoid eye contact with her or letting their teeth show in a smile.  Instead,. they should offer her treats.  Follow this, and she should improve.