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Training question

20 10:29:42

I have a 3 year old standard poodle that we adopted 3 months ago, as well as an 18 month old we got at the same time.  I am having a problem with the 3 year old male.  He has made a lot of progress, but we are still struggling to get him to come in from outside.  Until it turned cold, we could go out and walk halfway around the play area and he would then go into the patio and sit.  Recently, when I walk around the area, he goes to the door and sits, and then when I get close he turns and runs in another direction.  This can go on for quite a while.  This week I bought a tie out with 20 foot of cable, and have been taking him out and putting him on it.  I leave him for 15-20 minutes..unfortunately he sits right outside the door and waits..the entire time.  When I bring him in he waits a while and then pees on the floor, or worse.

Hubby wants me to give up & let him loose and just fight to get him in.  I don't think that's really the best solution.

Hello Debbie,
What you have to do with your dog is to make it fun to come inside.  Try to entice him to come inside for a treat or toy.  If he loves to play with a squeaky toy for instance, when you open the door, squeak the toy and then throw it away from the door.  Your boy should run inside and get the toy.  Praise him and play with him for a bit.  
You can also use the treat.  When he comes in, have him sit and give him a small treat.  Make sure that before you give him anything, that he has done his business.  No Potty, No treat.  You don't want him going outside then coming right back in just for the food.  

You can also teach him the word "Cookies" to get him to come.  Start off inside the house.  Load your pocket with his favorite treat (something yummy such as bits of cheese or hotdog, chicken or beef jerky works good) and with him where you can see him, say the word "Cookies".  If he comes over to you, give him a treat.  If he doesn't come to you, go to him and show him the treat, then lead him to where you called him from and give him the treat.  
Once he gets the idea that the word "Cookies" means he gets a treat, try using the word when you and him are in different areas of the house.  Again, if he comes running, give him a treat.  If he doesn't, go and lead him back to where you called him (because you want him to learn to come to you when you use "Cookies") and then treat him.  
Once he will come from anywhere in the house as soon as you say "Cookies" you can start to use it outside.  If he comes inside, he gets the treat, if not walk him down and he gets nothing.  This will teach him that if he comes to you he gets his treat, but if he chooses not to come to you, he still has to come inside, but he gets nothing.  
Lots of praise also when he does what you want him to do.  

Well, I hope this helps you some.  Poodles are very smart and so he should pick this up pretty quickly.  

If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.
Thanks for using and have a Happy Howliday,