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Poodle rash that wont go away

20 10:38:09

My poodle is 9 months.  She gets these rashy patches around her butt.  He said she has allergies and the summers will be rough for her.  Once they were so bad, the vet gave me 2 forms of antibiotics.  She constently itches but does not have fleas.  I dont know what to do.  She looks really weird with patchy red spots all over her and I know sometimes she itches like crazy.  How can I make her confortable and get rid of these  rashes  Thanks

Its probably not antibiotics that you need to take care of this problem.  You probably need steroids.  I would also HIGHLY suggest taking the dog back to the vet and have a skin biopsy done.  This way you can find out if perhaps there is a genetic factor behind this.  That way you can properly care for the problem with the correct drug.  I have seen a lot of vets that just sit and guess at the problem rather than doing a skin biopsy to find out what it causing the problem.  Sometimes just treating the symptoms is not enough and the cause needs to be treated.  In the meantime to help your baby out I would go purchase a cortizone cream and see how that does.