Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Aging Poodle

Aging Poodle

20 10:29:07

QUESTION: My poodle is 15 years old and we have problems with him. He got deaf about 2 months ago and now I cannot even touch him because he attacks me. He does have a bad heart & water in his lungs & his liver isn't good but he still eats good, goes outside to do his buisness.  What I am concerned about that I cannot touch him , to pat him, clean his behind, and his eyes or do anything to him. Do you have some answers for me because I am a nervous wreck because now I am frighted of him. How do I handle him to take him to the vet or to the groomer if he will not let me touch him?

ANSWER: Hello There,
I don't have alot of expirence with deaf dogs, but I will do what I can.  

You didn't say whether he won't allow any touching or if he attacks only when you touch him and he doesn't see you or if you suprise him.  
If he is attacking you because you suprise him, then make sure that he can see you before you pet him or touch him. If he is attacking you without provication even if he sees you first, then you will have to approach this differently.

First, if you haven't already taken him to the Vet, do so just to make sure that he isn't in pain or having any other problems that is making him attack you.  Have you noticed if he tries to bite you when you pet him in a paticular place, or is it all over?  He could have pain in his joints or muscles that hurts when its touched.
You may have to muzzle him or wear a pair of thick gloves to get him into the car to take him to the Vet.  They can then help you to get him to the exam room.  

He could also be going blind and even though you are in front of him, your touch may startle him into biting you.  Have the Vet check his eyesight to make sure that his vision isn't impared.  

Try this with him to get him to understand that all you want to do is pet him.
Put a leash on him so you can control him somewhat and have him stand or sit in front of you.  Use something that he likes to eat as a treat (such as hotdog or pieces of cooked chicken) and have some ready with you.  
Let him sniff your hand and gently rub him on the nose.  If he is good, give him a piece of treat.  Next, see if he will let you scratch his head.  Move slowly and gently.  If he will let you, give him another treat.  You can also give him a thumbs up or other hand signal to let him know that he is good.  You might also try using a flashlight to let him know that he is good.  Use the light when he lets you pet him, then give him a treat.  He will soon know that when he sees the light, he has done something good.  

Try these suggestions and if you are still having problems, let me know and I will see what else I can suggest.  
**There is a Vet section on AllExperts that you might think about writing.  Your dog could have a medical problem that they could help you with or have other suggestions for what you can do to help your dog.  

Thanks for using,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We know he is not blind because he spots everything , like even a person or a dog that is across our doublelane street in the school grounds, so we know he could see well yet.  What I didn't mention was that he wouldn't even let me go near him when I reach out my hand to try to pat him and he just bears his teeth and jumps up towards me to bite me, sometime he sucesses but now I back away from him quickly.  But when I am eating something he takes the food from my hand very gentlely and so I cannot comprehand this situation about him. Now I have no idea how I will take him to the groomers.  The last time we had to give him some medication because the groomer could not do around his mouth but he let her wash and give him a haircut but that was before he started attcking me. I suggested to my husband that I cannot handle this anymore and we should put him down but he does not agree with me, he says let him live his live what ever he has left. I,m getting to the point that I don't want anything todo with our dog because of his behavior but my husband says that is really selfish of me but he does not understand where I'm coming from, I'm frighted and very nerved up with this situstion and is getting me very depressed.

Hello again,
I still think that taking him to the Vet before anything else would be best, because he could be in pain if anyone touches him.  Even if you have to muzzle him, taking him to the vet could answer your question for you.

Other than that, I am at a loss as to why your dog will just lunge for you without you doing anything to him.  Putting him down if he is still fairly healthy wouldn't be fair to him, but at the same time, if its affecting your health, then it may be in your best interest.  

Let me know what the Vet says and we will go on from there.
