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Irregular heart beat in toy poodle

20 10:27:51

Our nearly two year-old rescue female toy is scheduled to be spayed on April 13. My husband is a retired physician and has detected an irregular heart rhythm (he calls it a bigeminal rhythm). We are wondering how wise to put her under anesthesia.  She just finished her first heat with us and your site advised not spaying till after March 16 which we abided by.  Thank you so much.
Pat and Tom Thompson, Phoenix

Hello Pat,
In this instance, you would be better to ask your Vet about that than me.  I know that most dogs can live with an irregular heart beat without problems, but when it comes to putting them under anesthesia, I am not sure how this would affect them.  

There are Vets on this site under the Pets category that you could also ask.

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