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hot spots

20 10:32:12

1 have a std female poodle and this summer she seems to be getting a few hot spots can you advise me on what to do about them,she is 3.5 yrs old

Hello Geoff,
Hot Spots can be caused by a number of things; anything from dirty skin to allergies, medication, or flea bites.  Since you don't know what your dog is reacting to, start by bathing your dog every 2-3 weeks to keep her skin clean and heathy.  Use a mild shampoo so that she doesn't react to that.  Next, make sure that you are treating her for fleas.  Some dogs can be allergic to Flea bites and just one flea can cause them to scratch and bite themselves until they cause really bad hot spots.  You can also give your dog a Benedryl tablet once a night for 2 weeks to see if this takes care of the hot spots.  They could be caused by an allergic reaction if your dog is allergic to something that she has been exposed to.  Dogs can get allergies to the same things that people can be allergic to and have the same reactions.  Sneezing, itching, and watery or runny eyes can all be signs that your dog is allergic to something.  
Also, make sure that when you get her shaved that your groomer doesn't cut her too close.  This can cause hot spots due to razor burn or because your dog can sunburn, and that in turn will cause a hot spot.  It doesnt' sound like this is the cause, but I jotted it down so you would be aware.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.

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