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male fertility and age

20 10:26:06

I have a black male toy poodle aged 11 and a chocolate female coming up for a year old.
I would like them to breed when she is about 18 months or so. Would my male still be fertile?
Are there any problems with sperm of older males and quality? What colour would the pups be?

Hello Lyn,
Your male should be ok to breed your girl.  It depends on the dog as to how long they can remain fertile.  If you are unsure, you might as your Vet about cryogenically freezing your dogs sperm until you would need it.  

As to what color your puppies would be, it will depend on what colors are in your Male.  If he is double black (meaning 2 Dominate Black genes) then your puppies will most likely be black in color.  If your male has one Dominate black gene and one Recessive gene for brown (or another recessive color) and your female has at least one recessive gene for brown or another recessive color, then you could have some brown and some black puppies.  

If you are trying for puppies with color, and you know that your male has mostly black in his background, then you should look for a brown male to breed with your female.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, feel free to ask.  

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