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lilly, toy poodle cough?

20 10:32:12

My little girl Lily is 10months old and every so often has a weird cough, its as if she is trying to cough up something although produces nothing and is then fine again. It usually occurs when she is exited and happens every couple of days and lasts around 30 seconds. ive heard that a collapsed trachea is common in toy breeds and was wondering if it was anything to worry about, She is fine in herself.
many thanks

Hello Charlie,
Sounds like she could have a mild form of Kennel Cough rather than a collapsed trachea.  A CT will produce coughing when the windpipe is pressed on such as when a collar is pulled on or the dog is grabbed around the neck.  Kennel Cough will cause the dog to dry hack often.  

I would get her to a Vet to see what may be causing her to cough like she is.  
If it is Kennel Cough, it is contageous to other dogs and can spread fast.  

I hope she gets to feeling better soon,
and if you have any other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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