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20 10:27:09

Hi. Apparently, our 12 week STD poodle puppy has been tested positively for round and hook worms. Is that possible that we have been watching him for possible signs but we can see none of them. He looks completely fine, healthy,active, no vomiting, no stool problems and no visible worms in his stool. Relatively he is a big puppy and has always had great appetite? Also, our breeder phoned us saying that 2 other puppies from the litter had worms and had obvious signs of round worms. Would it make any sense to repeat the test or just deworm him properly? Should we do any cleaning or disinfecting to prevent the same problem in the future?

Hello Gena,
I would go ahead and just use a Vet approved wormer for your puppy.  I use a product called D-Worm or Nemex 2, but you can also use Drontal for your puppy.
Drontal is the most popular brand of wormer - and is highly recommended for the control of all gastrointestinal worms in dogs including round worm, hook worm, whip worm and tape worm (including hydatid tapeworm) by veterinarians.
The Drontal and Nemex-2 have to be purchased from a Vet, but the D-Worm can be purchased at Orscheln Farm and Home from the store (at least I can purchase D-worm at our Missouri Orschlen.
For your yard, you can wash everything down with Bleach to kill the eggs of the worms.  
Worms can be hard to detect because most worms are hard to see with the naked eye, and there is usually no symptoms until the worm infestation is large.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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