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rear right leg non-usage

20 10:34:05

My seven pound toy poodle jumped off the bed and has hurt her right rear leg. She's holding it high and not walking on it. She screams when it's touched. It has been this way for three days. Today she is trying to use it more but still not walking on it. Could it be broken from the jump? Or has she popped it out of socket? It does make popping sounds when she tries to get comfortable. Will it correct itself? Can I give her aspirin for pain?

Hello Leigh,
You should get your poodle to the Vet right away.  It sounds as if the leg is probably broken, and if not broken, injured pretty badly.  You should have gotten your dog to the vet when you first saw that it was limping.  Breaks that aren't set quickly enough start to heal on their own, but most of the time, they heal wrong causing the dog to never regain the correct use of the leg.  Do right by your dog and scheduel an appointment as soon as possible.  

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