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lump close by nipple

20 10:17:38

it was small and now its a little bigger than an egg and it's hard,I was thinking tumor but wasn't sure she is female and I have let her skip 2 times going into heat I bred her for awhile it looks purple to look at .

Hello Vicki,
I have to say that since I can't see the lump,  I can't say exactly what it is. I can, however say that we had a female that had the same type of lump:in the area around her nipple and it turned out to be a tumor.  We had the vet remove it but she got other smaller ones.  These mammary tumors can be common in some dogs and other dogs never have them.  They are more common in un-spayed females, but spayed dogs can get them also.  If the tumor seems to be getting larger you might want your vets opinion on this because these tumors can keep growing.  They can inhibit walking and make it uncomfortable to lay down when they get large enough and they can also break open and cause blood loss.

I hope this helps you some. If you have other questions about this or other Poodle questions in general, please feel free to ask.

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