Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > toy poodle drinking his pee!

toy poodle drinking his pee!

20 10:22:19

When I take my dog out and he goes to the bathroom, his lifts his leg on one side and puts his head around the other side and it looks like he is drinking his pee.  if he is cleaning himself this sure looks like a weird way to do it.  sometimes he even falls over he is so into "what he is doing."  Is this normal?

Hello Lauire,
He probably isn't as much drinking his pee as he is smelling it.  Dogs uring contains scents that let other dogs know how dominate a dog is and he may just be smelling to make sure that his pee has a strong scent.  
You might say his name when he does this, or try to get his attention so he doesn't get his face in it, but other than that, he is pretty harmless.  

Thanks for your question and if you have others for me, please feel free to ask.
