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3 y.o. male poodle lifting leg on owner but not peeing

20 10:20:57

I have a three year old toy poodle who occasionally lifts his leg on me, his owner, without actually peeing.  For example, I'll be sitting in a chair with my feet on the floor, and he will stand next to my feet and lift his leg as if he wanted to pee on my leg.  He is very well trained and has never actually peed on me, but I was wondering if you had ever heard of or seen this happening before.  I have asked his vet about it, and he have never heard of a dog exhibiting his behavior before.

Hello Emma,
I have had dogs try to mark me by lifting the leg and actually peeing on me, but have never heard of a pseudo-mark with no urine.  Maybe he wants to think he is dominate so bad, that he will go through the actions of marking you without any urine because he knows that he can't really pee on you and get away with it.  

I would just ignore him when he does this to see if not getting any attention will cause him to stop.  Or you could give him a command (such as Hike) when he does this, and teach him to do it on command, then you could sike out your friends.  

Other than that, I really don't know what to say about this.  I would say that if he ever does pee when he does this, to really get on to him, but if there is no pee present then I would not say anything to him.  

I hope this has helped you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask me.

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