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ear problems

20 10:31:49

We have a year old,  standard poodle who cannot tolerate having the hair plucked from her ears. We have had our vet "put her under" anesthia the past couple of times, but she has severe pain afterwards for several days. Is there any other way to remove the hair without causing her so much pain? I would appreciate any suggestions.   Thank you

Hello Barb,
This is a common problem in poodles because it is necessary to pluck the hair from the ears and most poodles don't really like it.
I think with her, you are going to have to have to retrain her to have her ears plucked whether she likes it or not.

You might have the Vet do a swab culture of both of her ears to make sure that she has no bacteria, yeast or ear mites before working on her ears.  If she has any of the above, messing with her ears may cause her pain like you mentioned.  Once her ears are cleared, then you can start retraining her to accept having her ear hair removed.  

I would start by having her lay on the floor on her side and you just massageing her until she relaxes.  Don't touch the ear yet.  Once she is comfortable with this, start petting and rubbing on her ears.  Next, you can lift the ear and rub around the inside, but don't go into the ear canal.  Slowly work up to pulling the hair gently around the inside of the ear, but don't pull anything out yet.  If she moves, put her back in place.  Try to get her to relax while you are doing this.  Use food or praise when she is good.  
When she will tolerate you gently pulling the hair, you can go into the ear canal and pull just a few hairs out at a time.  
Most pet stores sell ear powder that allows you to grab the ear hair and pull it out.  On the label it should say that it contains a rosin grip that will allow you to grasp the hairs better.  Use this so that it makes it easier to remove the hair.  Use lots of praise if she lets you pull some hairs out of her ears.  
You might need some help at first to hold her down on her side.  Try not to let her get up until you release her.  If she moves or gets up, put her back, rub her until she relaxes then pull a few more hairs out.  
If she tries to nip or bite, try using a muzzle to help (they make a softie muzzle that goes around the mouth and fastens at the back of the head, these are humane and work pretty good)

Well, it will be work for you, but with some time and patience, she should start letting you work on her ears like a good Poodle.

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