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breeding of my poodle

20 10:33:00

I have a female toy poodle she weighs 4 1/2 pounds and she is 6 years old,h never been mated.  What does a chihuahua and a toy poodle look like....  

Hello Pat,
It can be difficult to tell what a mixed breed dog is going to look like.  You never know what you are going to get.  I have seen mixed breeds look just like one parent or the other and look totally purebred, then I have seen puppies out of two different purebred dogs that looked totally unrecognizable to either parent.
Your Chi/Poodle cross could look a variety of ways, and you will most likely have different looking puppies from the same litter.  
Some may have straight Chi type hair and have Poodle heads and bodies, others may have Poodle type hair and more Chi heads and bodies, still others may look like Poodles and some like Chihuahuas.  There may be some bigger and some on the small side.  You won't know until you see them.  
You may also have Poodle type puppies that shed like a Chi.  I know with the Labradoodles, puppies tend to have a more wavy hair but still shed because of that Lab undercoat.  You have to breed a Labradoodle puppy to a Poodle about 2-3 times  before you get a Labradoodle that doesn't shed and by that time, you are almost back to having a Poodle.  

Be sure to have your female checked out for hereditary things that could be passed on to the puppies before breeding, and have your Vet do a Pre-Breeding exam to insure that your female is healthy enough to go through the pregnancy.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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