Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > temperament


20 10:38:12

hi, i actually am not sure if you can help me but if you great, if you cant maybe you can point me in the right direction.
What are your/and or the general opinions of poodle coat colors being linked to their temperaments? ie: is their any link between temperament and coat color? I hte reason i ask i si have read a lot on the subject especially the experiement Belyaev did with his foxes for over 30 and also hemmer experiments with other animals. The article is here if you are interested:
The reason i ask is that ii own 4 dogs, 2 black and white and two orange and/or red white and also 4 cats 2 reds and 2 greys. The red animals are the mosy firey of them all and since the red gene goes down to apricot and then cream(so i believe) i do not want to get a dog that is more firey and or aggressive, which sometimes they are as opposed to the other colors.
Ultimately i dont knowif i should stick with black or white or brown(although i dont know where brown comes in in the color chart).
Ok thats my question. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
warm regards

Hi Isabella :-)

I can only talk from personal experience hun. Black poodles are very affectionate, playful and are good guard dogs and will protect you if necessary.

White poodles are very friendly and loveable dogs but they can suffer bad from Eczema and other skin conditions.

Brown poodles seem more hyperactive than the other poodles but they have such a big heart and love lots of affection and cuddles.

So bearng all this in mind, I would say follow your instincts because whatever colour Poodle you purchase you will have a lifetime of love and affection from these little guys. They make lovely pets.

Take care and all the best.

Trisha x