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Poodle giving birth

20 10:28:47

Hi, I have a miniature female poodle, I like to breed her
but I don't know if there are high risks at all, such as :
-  C section
-  things that cost a lot of money, or the lives of the bitch and her puppies
I used to have a mid size bitch when I was little, the bitch gave birth and did every thing by her self, no human helps involved, and she gave birth a few times naturally on her own till she is spayed. Will my mid size poodle requires my assistance or a Vet at labor and delivery. Thanks

While dogs have managed on their own for a long time, skillful intervention can mean the difference between live puppies or dead ones or even a dead mother.  Responsible breeding is very difficult,and otherwise leads to no end of misery.  Nobody that does it right makes money.  Chances are, everyone would be better off if you forgot about breeding and had her spayed.  

See  Also see how many miniature Poodles need homes at