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Mixing new puppy with 11 year old dog

20 10:33:48

QUESTION: We have a standard 11 year old, he is very much part of our family.  Lives in the home, sleeps with one of my children and is so loved by us! He had never really been around other dogs except at the groomers and as time has gone by he is tolerant of the other dogs.  Well,,, 1 week ago I brought in a new puppy 9 week old standard poodle in to the mix of our home.  Our oldest dog is not happy, he sometimes growls and just wont be nice.  I am so very sad, because I love this puppy already.  So last night, he bite the ear of the puppy it bled, and it is fine and being treated with antibiotics.  I am am just so concerned as too how long the period of the two getting use to each other should I give it, before I know I need to find a home for the puppy.  I/Family do not want the puppy to go, but we have a obligation to our oldest  Dog to care for him until he is no longer with us, and then we have a obligation to the new puppy to make sure that he is safely taken care of. Do you have any recommendations?
Thank you
Michele From California

ANSWER: Hello Michele,
It can be very hard to introduce new dogs into the home of an existing dog, because you are bringing the new dog into the older dogs established space.  Its also more difficult because your new puppy is a male and it is usually harder for another male to accept a male vs female.  I would have suggested that you let the 2 dogs meet on neutral territory before bringing the puppy home for the first time, but since they have already met in the home you will have to go about things a little differently.
The time it takes for your 2 dogs to become used to each other will vary depending on how tolerant your older dog is with your new puppy.  Some dogs will eventually except the new dog, others won't.  It just depends on the individual dog.  
First, don't let them together unless you can be right there to watch them.  Even though the puppy got bitten, some puppies just won't learn the first time.  You will have to correct your puppy when he gets to near your older dog.  Also, correct the older dog for growling at the pup.  This will let the older dog know that the new puppy is part of the family and that you can't let him dominate the new puppy.  When you play with your puppy, put the older dog up for a bit or have another family member take the older dog to another area of the house so you can spend one-on-one time with the puppy.  Then trade off and give the older dog some one-on-one time with you.  This way, your older dog won't get jealous of the puppy spending time with you.
Continue to treat your older dog as the dominate dog in the house.   Feed him first, give him attention first, and play with him first.  This will show him that you think he is still the boss.  It will also help the puppy understand that the older dog is boss.  
Try walking them together, with one person walking the older dog and the other walking the puppy.  Since they are out of the older dogs territory, they should act better.  
You might also find a playmate for your puppy to play with, or take him out to a dog park or play area to play with other puppies so that he has a friend and won't be as eager to engage in play with your older dog until your older dog accepts him.
One thing that will help your two dogs and will be fun for you is Obedience classes.  It will help your older dog by being around other dogs and will help your puppy learn some house manners.  The PetCo or PetSmart in your area may have dog classes, or check with your local Vet to see if they recommend any trainers.
If this problem hasn't been resolved or doesn't seem to be getting better in a months time, you might think about contacting a trainer that specializes in Behavior Modification.  They can come and evaluate your dogs in the home and help to find a solution that will work for both dogs.

I hope this has helped some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask me.  

Thanks for using,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much Kim.
Do you suggest that they do a class together, with another family member caring for one dog, and I care for the puppy!  I will take all advice and work with them both!

Hi again Michele,
Yes, I think that taking the classes together would be good for them, because since they aren't on the older dogs territory, there shouldn't be competition over "his" space.  Just rotate the dogs once in a while, with you taking your older guy occasionally so that he doesn't feel that you are lavishing too much attention on the new kid.  You don't want him to get jealous, because that will increase hostility.  
Sounds like you are ready to take on this challenge and I see good things in the future for these two.  
One more thing, if you haven't already you should think about getting your new puppy neutered before long (unless you are thinking about using him for a Stud puppy).  This will help keep the dominance factor down and will help keep him submissive to your older dog.  It would be ok to neuter him in about a month or two.  Some people say that as early as 8 weeks is not to early, but I think that they should wait until at least 16 weeks or more before neutering them.  

Good Luck,