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standard poodle growth

20 10:28:51

I have a 4 month std poodle bitch. I got her as litter runt at 1.2 kilos at 8 weeks. She brought home from the breeder ghiardia, kennel cough and bordatella ( we have a great relationship with the vet lol ) and has been treated for all. she is slightly aneimac and has low albiem protien level. She is now 4 months and weighs getting on for 5 kilos. about what age will i know what her adult size will be, not that it matter but i'm curious

Hello Tracey,
Judging size can be tricky because there are several factors that determine how big a dog will be at adulthood.  
Health, Growth rate, Genetics, Medications, etc can affect how and when she matures out.  Usually though a dog will have its full height at a year (give or take a month) and will fill out until they are 1 1/2 yrs old.  
Given your dogs age now, she may grow to 13.6-15.9kg

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.