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Poodle hair changing color

20 10:25:57

I have a cream standard. he's almost 2 years old. He's growing a lot of brownish hair on his back and tail. Is this going to be his final color? do they change colors? This has happened in the last month or so

Hello Jessica,
What is happening is your dog is getting Apricot highlights in his coat.  Cream Poodles tend to have Apricot or Brownish highlights in their ears, down their back and on their tail.  These colors should fade some and blend into his hair.  It might also grow in lighter once his hair is trimmed.  Check the color patches and see if the color goes to the skin or if its just some odd colored hair that will grow out and a lighter Apricot color may grow back in.    
Since the Cream color is a fading gene, its hard to tell just what color your dog will finally be.  If you know about your dogs parents or grandparents, you might check them out to see what colors they turned out to be.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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