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Question regarding possible seizures

20 10:29:36

I have a sweet 1 1/2 year old teacup poodle.  She weighs approximately 4 lbs.  She is normal in every way except she has been having increasing episodes of unusual behavior. She will get very weak and can't walk.  She shakes as if she's scared to death. Recently however she has began to vomit sometimes too when this happens. These episodes are normally occurring whenever some type of stress is happening.  For instance, we've just arrived home after being away for a while or there has been a loud noise or a lot of commotion, etc. Sometimes though it happens when nothing is going on at all.  If I attempt to place her on the floor, she will splay all 4 legs outward and can not stand up. She doesn't appear to be having "full blown" seizures but I was wondering if this behavior could be a mild type of them. Thank you for any advice you can give.

Hello Melissa,
Going by the symptoms that you are describing to me, I would say that your dog is suffering a mild form of a seziure.  
I have a Silver Standard Poodle that suffers with sezuires also and he tends to react the same way.  He will first get very clingy and not want to be away from me.  Then when the seziure starts, he acts like he is drunk and stumbles and goes stiff legged.  He also acts very disorinted like he doesn't know where he is or whats going on around him.  He also sometimes will lose his bladder or bowels, and will potty on himself.  Vomiting is also a symptom, but my boy hasn't vomited as of yet.
I usually take him into my lap and do my best to talk him through it.  I talk to him, pet him and say a little prayer that he will come through it quickly.  
The seziure tends to stop after a few minutes (though those few minutes can be like hours when its your baby that is suffering), and he acts like his old self again.  
With Striker, he seems to have a seziure about every 6 months or so.  I don't give him medication because people have told me that the medication is worse than the seziures.  

You might keep a record of your dogs seziures for a time, then contact your Vet and let him/her know what is going on with your dog (how often she has one, what your dog does during the seziure, what tends to trigger them, and how long they last).  Then you can discuss whether treatment would benefit your dog or not.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to help.  I know how hard it can be to have to go through this with your baby, but if you would like to talk about it, don't hesitate to contact me.  You can reach me at

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