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dry spots on our toy poodle

20 10:36:19

Our polly is 4 months old, and about a month ago we noticed she had a dry spot on her back... then we noticed more... the vet gave us a fungal cream to clear it up, well the cream didnt work, and we noticed two more spots so he suggested to shave her hair and gave us a medicated shampoo to wash her in twice a week and antibiotics for her to take twice a day. he doesnt know what the spots are.. they are dry rough bald spots on her skin... mainly her back and legs...can you please help me figure out what is wrong with her... she doesnt act sick, or act like they bother her but they wont go away????? thank you  

I would go back to the vet and have him do a skin scraping to rule out something like red mange or even ringworm.  If those have been ruled out then I would have a skin biopsy done to check for sabaceous adenetitis.  This is a terrible genetic disease that affects the sabaceous glands and takes some heavy medications to help control.  Once you have ruled that out I would try for a blood test to see if you can find anything wrong internally that may be showing up in the skin such as a liver or blood disorder.