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12yr old licking anus all the time

20 10:23:12

I hope you can help me, my standard 12 year female licks her anus all the time now and will go for hours doing it.  Even thru the night.   She does have some blood every couple of days in her stools.   Could this be a symptom of anal cancer?

Hello Andree,
Before you start thinking cancer in your dog, you might take your dog to the Vet to have her anal glands expressed.  Sometimes the anal sacs located on either side of the anus get impacted and this causes them to itch.  The dog will lick them to try and express them on her own.  This can sometimes cause bleeding if the licking causes irritation.  
The blood in the stool could be a cause for concern if you rule out impacted anal glands.  She could also have intestional palaps (small bumps on her intestional wall) that have ulcerated or broken open and are the cause of her bleeding.  If you haven't had her bowels checked, it might be a good idea so you rule out anything serious.  

I hope everything turns out alright with your dog.  If you have other questions/comments/concerns for me, please feel free to ask me.

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