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Close Face & Feet

20 10:33:45

I just picked my blue standard up from the groomer and it looks like she was shaved too close on her face and between her toes. Her face has several areas that are now scabbed a day after grooming and her feet are very red between her toes. The groomer said his clippers were not too hot, but I'm wondering if she is just nicked up by the clippers.

Hello Lisa,
This is a common problem with dogs that get shaved close on their body.  It could be that the clippers were hot, or it could just be that your dog wasn't used to being shaved that close.  Alot of times, if the groomer is new or unexperienced they won't hold the skin tight enough and that will cause the clippers to catch the loose skin.
You can put some rash ointment (such as Diaper Cream, A & D Ointment, or Triple Antibiotic Cream) on the scabbed places to help take the red and swelling out.  Be careful what you put on the feet because your dog will tend to want to lick them.  You might soak them in water then put some lotion on them.  Use cold water because that will soothe them and help the burning.
If they get really bad, you may need to get some antibiotics from your vet, but chances are that won't be necessary.
When you visit your groomer again, tell them to use a number down from the size they used.  They probably clipped your dog with a #15 and I recommend a #10.  The hair grows back quicker, but the dogs skin doesn't react as much.  

I hope this helps some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.  

Thanks for using,

P.S. I have a new (well he's now 9 months) Blue? Standard Puppy.  I was wondering if you got yours as a young puppy?  My "Riot" was out of 2 line bred Silver dogs (we own the parents) and as he was changing color, he became brown on the back half of his body and stayed dark on the front half.  He still hasn't changed to the Blue color yet, but everyone tells me that he is going to be a Blue.  I can send you a Pic of him if you send me a note at my e-mail addy.  Its  I also have his brother.  "Smoke" is going to be a very large Silver boy.  I expect that he will be around 27" at the shoulder.  
Talk to you later,