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My poor poodle!

20 10:33:45

Today, my 10 year old daughter took our dog Angel, for a walk. i'm at work when she does it. i usally meet her at dinner with gramps. Today at dinner she told me that when she was walking the dog, she was already down the street. which is a 15/100 mile from our house. she walks angel every day, and usally, angel  runs ahead of her. Today she noticed that angel was way behind her, she was limping to! se rushed home with angel in her arms, nd put her on a bed. We got home and we took a look at her. it seemed that she had servre pain in 3 legs! we put a warm towel on each of them. making sure that she didn't move. Ive already planned to call the vet and take her there tomarrow. but i don't know what's wrong with her. Do you? I need help fast! my dogs life may depend on this!

Hello Pat,
I checked on the net for any conditions that this might sound like and couldn't come up with anything.  The best suggestion would be to call the Vet as soon as possible and see what they say, even if they can't see Angel today.  Get her an appointment as soon as they can.  I will say a quick prayer for Angel and will keep my fingers crossed that she will be fine.  Keep her off her legs as much as possible and keep her comfortable.  
In case that they need to do any work on her at the Vet, you might restrict her food and only give her some water to drink (if you can get her into the Vet tomorrow).
You might give her a Baby Aspirin but make sure to ok it with your Vet first.  It could counter what they might have to do with her when they see her.  

I hope this helps you some.  
Thanks for using,  Our God is bigger than pain and prayer won't hurt so your dog and your family is in my prayers.  