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neurotic behaviors in in tact male

20 10:38:39

We are caring for a in tact black male standard for a assistance dog organization.   They have plans to breed him for people that have allergies and need an assistance dog.   We are in new territory with poodles, so we are not sure if these behaviors are normal or somewhat neurotic, or both.   
We do not want to breed negative behaviors, and want to be responsible breeders.  
Toby has always loved his shadow, and paced a bit in the backyard.   But the last two weeks (he just turned a year old) he will pace very nerveously for an hour or more, and stop only to stare at things that are not there in corners or under chairs.   It is very hard to calm him down when he gets like this.
My biggest concern was that he may have been in some pain or something that we may be missing. The vet has given him a clean bill of health, and we had his eyes check 3 months ago, and they were good  But others say it is just the behavior of a 1 year old in tact male.  He has already had the genetic testing done, and he seems to be in perfect health. We did have some aggression issues with other dogs, but that seems to have been resolved.  We do have a feeling these behaviors are part of the reason they were selling Toby.   (His siblings and parents are very very good show dogs.)  
Now we have this strange behavior that started at the same time he started marking the other dogs cage, and pooping in the bedrooms.   He has been housebroken since the first week we got him.   We have had him for 4 months.   
Thanks for any ideas and help you can give us.  We love him so much and want to help him. Just let me know if you have any questions.  
Thanks so much!

Hi Shari :-)

Staring at things that are not there is unfortunately, a Poodle trait. It is usually rarely ever caused by a medical problem. It is most likely caused because he is now a Adult and relying on his senses and his hearing, and when he is staring at nothing, he could actually be listening intently for approaching footsteps. He will grow out of this but it is nothing to be alarmed about.

It is a good idea to make sure your boy isn't inbreed. This can cause genetic problems and behavioural problems and can be passed on to their off spring.

Marking areas with urine or pooping in areas that another dog has been in or a place another dog frequents, is a normal, male " I'm better than you and this is my place", territorty thing. My younger dog does this also.

Male dogs have a strong, genetic habit of marking their territory and they can even do it sometimes when there is a male cat in the vicinity. The workings of a dogs mind are very strange, lol.

As for helping to stop his peeing in the house, you first need to make sure that you clean up his old messes with a product designed for dog messes. Get a cleaning product with live enzymes that will "eat" the odor out of the spot. Even if you can't smell it, your dog still can and will come back to remark it.

Or alternatively,  when he is in the house loose, watch him at all times. When you can't watch him, put him in his Crate/Kennel or in a protected area such as the Kitchen or Laundry Room. But make sure the Crate/Kennel isn't locked up and he can easily leave the Crate/Kennel when he wants to.

Good luck and all the best.