Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > off white poodle see thru black skin

off white poodle see thru black skin

20 10:38:10

we just bought a F1B labradoodle, she has whitish/tan fur and very black skin which you can see through her fur? Is this normal?  I looks sort of strange? Thank you for your help. Maria

Hi Maria :-)

It is normal for some Poodles providing there is not patches of fur missing, flaky skin or it looks like your dog has alopecia.

Because you are concerned about it I would take her to the Vet to be on the safe side. Cross breeding two different breeds of dog.....such as labradore and poodle, can cause some problems in some dogs which show up later in life.

But I would take her to the Vet to be on the safe side and to make sure this is normal for the breed or dog. I am not familiar with Labradoodle breed myself, only poodles so I can only answer you from a poodle viewpoint unfortunately. But do to Vet to be sure everything is ok with her.

Take care and all the best.

Trisha x