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urinating while sleeping

20 10:22:25

My standard poodle is 3 years old. She recently got kennel cough. Vet gave her steriods and antibiotics. She began peeing in floor while she was sleeping, not waking up. I quit steriods but she is still doing this some. Any ideas?

Hello Dee,
Sorry it took so long to get back to you.  
It could be that her bladder isn't totally back to normal yet and that she needs a little more time.  Steroids can affect bladder performance, and she needs time for the steroids to leech out of her system.  
You might try putting a childs diaper on her (don't forget to cut a hole in it for her tail) in the evenings if she is still doing this.  You can also put Pee pads down in her crate so that if she does pee on them the urine will be soaked up and won't sit on her.

If it keeps up for longer than 10 days, you might also contact your Vet and let them know.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions about this or other questions in general, please feel free to ask.

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