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Fur changing color

20 10:34:04

My 9 year old toy white poodle has a spot of light brown fur that appeared a couple of weeks ago.  There doesn't seem to be any swelling, lumps, or anything abnormal.  Why is her fur turning color?

Hello Lynne,
Sometimes when a Poodle gets a scab or injury and it damages the hair follicles the hair will grow back a different color.  The damage can come from an injury that you might not see or it could come from hot spots that the dog gets.  
Sometimes certain foods can cause the skin to change color because of the dye in the food, or the hair can change color due to excessive licking (you see this usually under the dog in the belly area or around and in between the toes) just like white dogs get around their eyes due to runny eyes.  It is a chemical reaction caused by the chemicals in the tears and saliva to chemicals in the hair.  

The good thing is that the discoloration shouldn't spread any further than where it is.  
Check to see if your dog is licking at that spot, or if the skin underneath is a different color (that would indicate an old injury that would cause the discoloration).

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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