Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > tumor


20 10:26:22

we believe my miniature poodle has a tumor on his stomach. it has grown very fast. i am afraid that it might be cancer related. are there any effects that will take place? if we don't have the tumor removed, would it be better to have him put to sleep or just let the tumor have its run?

Hello Jennie,
Since I can't see your dog or evaluate him from here, I would say that a trip to your Vet would be best.  Your Vet will be able to palpate the tumor and see if he thinks it could be removed or what will need to be done.  
I do know that cancerous tumors tend to be fast growing, and as I was an owner of a dog that had stomach cancer, I know what to look for in a dog that has cancer.  
My dog first started losing weight because the tumor kept him from absorbing his food.  I made up a diet for him that helped and extended his life.  
He eventually grew weak and when he couldn't walk anymore, I knew it was time.  

If you find that your dog does have cancer, here is the diet that I used with my boy.  
Try giving this diet to your dog.  It has nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are healthy for your dog and if it is cancer affecting your dog, this diet will help your dog get the best out of his food.  

1 lb Hamburger, Lamb, Chicken or Turkey Burger
1 can Sardines in Olive Oil
1 cup Spinach, blended with the Oil of the Sardines
1 egg scrambled
1 1/2 cup Special K or Total Cereal
1 Apple Blended (or you can use 1/2 cup of Applesauce)
1/8 tsp Garlic powder
1 grated carrot
1/2 cup brown rice, cooked using broth (either a meat or Veggie variety) for better flavor
1/2 cup Cottage Cheese (optional)

This recipe is for a large dog, so you can either 1/2 it or mix it up and freeze a portion of it for later.  I would give at least 1/2 of the recipe to him, and 1/2 of his dry food.  If you wanted, or if your dog actually starts to lose weight, I would give him this recipe by itself.

I hope this helps you some and that you get positive results from your Vet.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask me.  

Thanks for using,