Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > trembling, shivering poodle,shitzu mix

trembling, shivering poodle,shitzu mix

20 10:19:32

Hi, I have a sweet lil mixed poodle,shitzu.She is 7yrs. old and I have had her since she was 8wks. My question is, she (Rena) shakes alot lately. She is a loved house dog and I don't think she's cold. A few years ago it started is she heard gunshots,thunder... she would hide under the bed.The Vet gave me a lil doggy calming pill for storms. Was just wondering if this is a poodle thing because we have a yr. old shitzu also and he is not like this at all. I feel so sorry for her but don't know how to deal with this. Thanks so much! Eva

Hello Eva,
This is not typically a Poodle thing, as most Poodles are not nervous or like this.  Since you said that this has just started recently, it might be something that you should inform your Vet about.  She could have started this due to age, trauma, stress, or even due to a nerve issue.
I wish I could tell you what is going on with her, but since I can't see her and don't know her history, I can only give you my opinion as to what could be causing this.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions about this, please feel free to ask me.  
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