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Puppy Mill :(

20 10:27:35


I recently adopted a rescued teacup poodle from a Puppy Mill. He was brought to our vet clinic a few days ago and I fell in love with him. He's an adult male (recently neutered) who was caged for his entire life. He isn't used to walking a lot, but has adapted well and now runs around my room and tries to grab at me with his paws. :)

However, because he was never walked, played with, cared for, or even paid attention to, he isn't at ALL housebroken. He knows enough to go on a towel, but avoids newspaper and all papers. I believe what he had before was a wire crate, where it was okay for him to just go whenever he pleased.

I know a little about housebreaking PUPPIES, but I don't know so much about adult dogs. I've been trying to take him outside whenever I sense he's about to go (or even when he starts getting into position for it), but he's not quite catching on.

Thanks for any help you can give me. :)

Hello Katherine,
Start with the fact that he will go on a towel.  If you want to teach him to go on papers, line his area (cage, crate, etc) with papers or puppy pads, then put a towel on top of the papers.  After a week or so, fold the towel or use a smaller one (like a hand towel or wash cloth) on half of the papers so he has to move to the towel to potty.  When he is doing that good, put the towel on a small corner of the papers and see if he will use just that small area to potty.  

When you want him to go potty outside, take a towel that he has pottied on before (that has some smell on it) and place it where you want him to potty.  Praise him when he goes outside.  

When he is indoors and not in his puppy area, you can purchase a product called BellyBands for male dogs that he can wear while loose in the house.  That way, if he does need to potty and you don't catch him in time, he won't pee on the floor.  
You can find the belly bands at
You can also teach him to alert you when he has to go outside by teaching him to touch a bell that you hang from your door (make sure its the door you use to take him outside).  Just have him touch the bell every time you take him outside to POTTY.

Give it a try and if you have other questions about this, please let me know.  

Thanks for using,