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introducing a toy poodle to a shitzu/poodle cross

20 10:33:38

Hi Kim

The dogs are: a 6 month old Toy poodle from a breeder who could not sell her and she became out of 7 dogs low status.  She wiggles and grins and holds her head low around my dog and my two cats.
: a seven year old neutered male adopted at 6 weeks.  No dog skills apparently though he has always been okay with guests who come with their owners.  My problem is that the older dog runs from the little dog and looks to me to rescue him from her sniffing at his penis and trying to cuddle with him.  She is also experiencing her first heat.  

My question should I leave them alone and remove myself from the mix and let them work it out or do I continue to intervene?  I bring the older dog to work in the morning and the younger dog to work in the afternoon.  Mostly because I want the toy to start to focus more on humans rather than dogs.

Hello Margaret,
The best thing to do is to try and let them work it out as best as possible and only intervene if things get touchy.  Because your girl is in heat now, I would wait until she is through her heat cycle (about 3 weeks or so) before letting them hang out together.  Your girl is trying to egg your male on because she is in heat, and that is making her be extra "friendly" with the male right now.  It should stop when her heat cycle is over.  
Since she is submissive and your male hasn't had much dog interaction, they will need to work out who is more dominate.  This can only be achieved by putting them together and letting them work it out between themselves.  

I hope this helps some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.  

Thanks for using and have a good evening,