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Miniature Poodle character

20 10:20:23

My miniature poodle puppy, male, 4 months old.  He plays rough to my golden retriever.  The golden is a very calm dog.  He likes to jump up to the goldie, bite its ears, muzzle, hands, feet, pull his tail, etc.  He likes to growl when doing this as well.  The Goldie usually tolerate at first, then pin on the poddle, so the poddle accerlate.  They act like fighting.  How to correct this?

Meanwhile, I crate trained the puppy, only let him out to play with us and the golden, eat and watch TV with us.  He is under supervision.  However, potty train is not very much successful.  For example. once when he started circle, I held him up and  brought him out.  He started poo on the way.  I still took him out, to let him know I insist him do it outside.  But still there are accidents.  Once we brought him out every 10 - 15 mins after meal.  We repeated several times. However, he chose the carpet 5 minutes afte he came back.  How to correct this, please help.

Hello A,
Your dog is a puppy right now and is just doing what puppies do by playing with your other dog.  Even though he sounds like he is being mean, he is really just trying to play. If you see that your puppy is getting too rough with your Golden, you need to Dominate your Poodle and make him submit to you.  To do this, you need to lay your puppy on the floor on his side and make him lay his head down also.  He needs to stay like this until he will relax (so make him lay there until he stops struggling).  Look him in the face and stare him down until he will look away from you.  When you let him up (and only let him up once he is calm and relaxed, even if it takes awhile), just get up and leave and let him get up on his own.  When he bites or nips (even if he is trying to play) you need to grab his muzzle and tell him NO! in a loud voice, then give him something that he Can chew on (like his toy or chewie bone) so that he realizes that its NOT ok to chew on your hands or feet, but it IS ok to chew his toys or bones.  Praise him when he takes the chew toy and plays with it.  

As for the housebreaking, he is still young but he should have control of his bladder by now.  In other words, until a puppy is around 12 weeks of age they don't realize that they have to potty, they just do it when the need occurs, but at around 12 weeks of age, they get the sensation that they have to potty and can start to hold it.  This doesn't mean that they can't learn to potty outside though, as you can start pottytraining at around 6 weeks of age to build good potty habits early.  
Since your puppy is young, watch for the signs that he has to potty.  The circling, sniffing, or getting excited can all be signs that he has to go.  You should also take him out about 5-10 minutes after he eats, and after he has played hard, and before and after his naps.  When you take him outside, take him to the same door each time and have him sit before taking him out.  This will teach him that when he has to go potty, to go to the door and sit first.  Have him sit at the door, then give him a treat and take him outside to his potty place.  You will want to take him to the same place each time so that he recognizes that he has gone here before and will want to go here again.  Praise him when he potties outside and give him a small treat for doing so.  If he doesn't potty the first time you take him outside, bring him in and put him in his crate for at the most 5 minutes, then take him back outside.  Keep doing this until he will potty for you.  
You also need to be sure that you clean up any messes he has done with a Pet Approved cleaning product, so that the odor of the mess doesn't remain behind.  If your pet can still smell his accident, he will think that its ok to return to those places and go again.  I use a product called "Kids N' Pets" that you can get from Wal-Mart.  In our Wal-Mart, I find the Kids N'Pets in the cleaning supplys rather than the Pet isle.  
If you happen to catch your boy peeing on the carpet, clean it up with paper towels and keep it in a plastic baggie for the next time you take him potty outside.  Place the paper towel soaked with his urine where you want him to potty and he should potty in that area.  Again, praise him every time he potties where you want him to go.

Give this a try and if I can be of further help, please feel free to ask me.

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