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Poodle vomiting

20 10:42:21


I have a 6 lb. female toy poodle.  She vomits or gets an upset stomach about once every 2 weeks.  Just one time only she threw up blood.  We called the vet and they said we didn't need to bring her in unless she did it again.  Thankfully, she didn't.  I'm wondering if this is normal to vomit every so often.  We feed her Science Diet and also she eats whatever we eat except certain things like chocolate, etc.  I've pressed on her stomach to see if it hurts her and it doesn't.  Thank you for your time!


Hi Cindy,

I have a toy that has the same problem.  He just seems to have a delicate tummy.  I've learned not to feed him any "people food" at all - that seems to help keep him feeling better. Also, keep some Pepto-Bismol around.  You can get a liquid medicine syringe at most drugstores that will help you administer it - a children's dose.  They don't like the taste, but it seems to help calm the stomach.  Hope this helps!!
